93,636 research outputs found

    Tapping into the Potential of Peer Tutors

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    13-16 July 2002 A challenge facing all medical schools is how to ensure that all students have the skills they need to cope with the demands of their curriculum. Computer literacy is no longer optional - all students from day one need to be able to communicate by email, look up information about the timetable on the intranet, and use an elibrary. As well as they are expected to use standard software to prepare assignments, projects, and group presentation. For the past four years we have run a highly successful peer tutoring project to ensure that those who arrive without the necessary skills have the support they require. This paper will report on the methods (how we recruit and train the peer tutors and how we identify those who need help, how we deliver the training), the costs and the outcomes. We now have data on the IT skills of 1,5000 students

    The potential for super-Nyquist asteroseismology with TESS

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    The perfect 30-min cadence of the full-frame images from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will impose a hard Nyquist limit of 24 d−1^{-1} (≈278\approx 278 ÎŒ\muHz). This will be problematic for asteroseismology of stars with oscillation frequencies at or around that Nyquist limit, which will have insurmountable Nyquist ambiguities. TESS does offer some observing slots at shorter cadences, but these will be limited in number and competitive, while the full frame images will be the main data product for many types of variable stars. We show that the Nyquist ambiguities can be alleviated if, when TESS resumes observations after a downlink, integrations are not resumed at perfect cadence with those before the downlink. The time spent idling before integrations are resumed need only be around five minutes for satisfactory results, and observing time can be recouped from the downlink event if the telescope does not wait for a return to perfect cadence before resuming integrations. The importance of imperfect cadence after downlink is discussed in light of phase coverage of transit events.Comment: 7 pages; 9 figures, all of which use colour but have been checked for readability under grey-scale printing; 2 small tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Rule 10b-5: Birth of the Concept of Market Insider and Its Application in a Criminal Case - United States v. Chiarella

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    This Note examines the necessity of the expansion of the market insider by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in United States v. Chairella. It goes on to analyze whether or not the criminal conviction under Rule 10b-5 of Chiarella was appropriate given the lack of notice

    Kepler Fourier concepts: The performance of the Kepler data pipeline

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    Given the extreme precision attainable with the Kepler Space Telescope, the mitigation of instrumental artefacts is very important. In an earlier paper (Murphy 2012), the characteristics of Kepler data were discussed in light of their effect on asteroseismology. We continue this discussion now that data processed with the new PDC-MAP pipeline are publicly available; users should use the latest data reductions available at the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST), not just for PDC, but also for improvements in the attached meta-data. We discuss the injection of noise in the frequency range 0-24 c/d (up to ~277 {\mu}Hz) by the PDC-LS pipeline into ~15 per cent of light-curves.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures of which 4 are colour. On material presented at the conference "The Modern Era of Helio- and Asteroseismology" held at Obergurgl, Austria, May 2012. Published in AN (Volume 333, Issue 10, Pages 1057-1060

    The Rise of the Austrian Freedom Party in the 1990s: A Culturalist Approach

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    NoDer Beitrag gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche ErklĂ€rungsansĂ€tze zum bemerkenswerten Aufstieg der FPÖ Jörg Haiders in den 1990er Jahren. Daran anschließend werden einige kulturelle und historische Aspekte, die von anderen AnsĂ€tzen nicht beachtet wurden, welche aber einen wesentlichen politischen Hintergrund fĂŒr Haiders Erfolg bildeten, beleuchtet. Es wird argumentiert, dass die FPÖ eine ausgesprochen erfolgreiche Strategie verfolgte, indem sie ein auf traditionellen und antimodernen Werten basierendes österreichisches IdentitĂ€tskonzept (re-)konstruierte. Besonders deutlich wurde dies im aggressiven ÂżKulturkampfÂż, den die FPÖ gegen KĂŒnstlerInnen und Personen des kulturellen Lebens Mitte der neunziger Jahre fĂŒhrte. Haiders Version des rechten Populismus erwies sich deswegen als besonders erfolgreich, weil sie einen in der österreichischen Gesellschaft nach 1945 stark verankerten Parochialismus politisch zu instrumentalisieren vermochte

    A Christian Funeral Director\u27s Reflections on the Modern Funeral

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    Public administration in an era of austerity

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    The IM&T training needs of doctors in an acute UK NHS trust

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    Advanced information systems are seen as a key factor in plans to modernise the delivery of healthcare. In the UK, the General Medical Council and the Information Authority have stressed the need for doctors to possess not just IT skills, but more generic Health Informatics competencies. Trust hospitals have a responsibility to ensure that clinicians in their employ have the requisite skills, knowledge and competencies to use the systems which will soon be implemented (e.g. electronic patient record systems, booking systems, prescribing systems). There is concern that the lack of formal IM&T training in senior clinicians will threaten the implementation of electronic patient record systems in the UK [1,2]. This poster reports on a training needs analysis of 116 doctors working in a UK acute hospital. Three key sets of findings emerged from the questionnaire study. Firstly, contrary to expectations, the IT skills and perceived training needs of the Senior and Junior Staff were not significantly different. Secondly, Senior doctors were better informed than the juniors about health informatics topics. Finally, all doctors defined their own training needs not in relation to Health Informatics but in terms of acquiring IT skills. Education programmes must take into account the current skills of the workforce and their perceptions of their training needs
